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Larry Bond's Harpoon - Ultimate Edition

Also known as:
Advanced Gaming Systems
Matrix Games
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Patch v2009.097

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

2008.051 to 2009.097 Changes:

New Features:
• The re-envisioned USNI BattleSet from the demo has been integrated into the release game.
• Vastly expanded the ExportDLL interface. Almost every aspect of the game engine can now be over-ridden by these plugins!
• Larger scenarios than ever before can be loaded in the Scenario Editor and Game Engine.
• Groups can now hold 255 units, up from 127.
• Player ships can fire SSMs and guns at surfaced submarines in most situations.
• Kamikaze ships, subs, and land units added that will destroy themselves upon impact.
• -S command line option to regularly make saved games and maintain a set number of save games.
• The toolbar of buttons in the Game Engine now shows the Function key equivalents to activate those behaviors (i.e. F1 to Attack, F9 to adjust sensors).
• Orders Writer now cleanses the input of non ASCII characters to make it easier to paste Order from Word into the Orders Writer.
• Updated HCDB Database including but not limited to…
o Well over 1,000 platforms added/updated/reworked!
o Extensive re-engineering to track platform changes over the years. For instance, many aircraft carriers will have 5 or more variations over their service lives.
o Large expansion of Chinese units present in the database.

Bug Fixes/Workarounds:
• Vast improvement to the AI’s use of airplanes. The AI should no longer slow down and eventually stop prosecuting player contacts as the game goes progresses.
• Multiple Crash bugs eliminated in both Game Engine and Scenario Editor.
• AAA will fire again.
• Recon type planes will turn on their sensors shortly after takeoff. This had been disabled in 2004.
• SPIR sensors now work independently of radar and will be used up correctly from all mounts in all situations.
• TCS is now an independent sensor, not an adjunct to Visual detections.
• Alt-t really will cycle between showing no paths, active group path, and all paths.
• Neutrals should no longer report contacts to the AI nor the Player.
• There should be fewer cases of AI submarines stopping indefinitely before they get to the end of their path.
• Fixed most of the crazy AAM issues when long range missiles would dance around, do 180 degree turns, and such. They were stuck in Inertial mode when they should have been transitioning to Terminal guidance.
• Many other minor fixes, tweaks, and improvements.

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