Send in your ideas
Author: Administrator | Date: 30.10.15 | Language: |
Since we see a lot of complaints about nonvisible download buttons (even on those pages where clearly there is a download button) and other download related problems, we'd like to hear your opinion on what could be done better. We're aware of the missing "no download available"-button on those pages where Steam doesn't allow us to offer files, but what else could be done better?
Please keep in mind, that most current games no longer offer downloadable patches unless you're using Steam/Origin/etc. and we could neither obtain nor offer these patches here for download. We're trying our best, but our hands are tied.
Seems you now need to promote your site as Vintage game patch site.
Good luck and thanks for the patches over the last 15 years :)
"most current games no longer offer downloadable patches unless you're using Steam/Origin/etc"
Doesn't that mean that Patches Scrolls is losing its very purpose then?