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The Sims 4

Also known as:
Electronic Arts
Release date:
02.09.2014 (US)
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Patch / Patch 10/03/2015

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

Crash / Performance (General)

  • We fixed a ‘failed to load object’ error that was returning the player to the neighborhood map when attempting to load into a lot.
    • This error was the result of an invalid fallback being called when we ran into a load error. Essentially, if we were looking for a sofa and we couldn’t find the sofa, we would say “Hey, there is no sofa” and kick the request back. Which would then say “But I need a sofa.” And this would go back and forth until finally someone would just give up, storm off angry, and say “Fine, if there is no sofa, there is no game, and you can forget about dinner, cuddling, and now we are going to go visit my mother, and yes, you ARE coming with me!”
  • Players who have Nvidia GTX 960, 970, or 980 video cards should no longer get the "Unrecognized Video Card" error upon launching the game.
  • We fixed a crash that could occur on load due to “lot caching,” which was fixed… by removing the cache. Au revoir.
  • We fixed an issue that could lead to an infinite load when travelling that was due to certain world objects (trees, rocks, or similar) failing to load. Rather than hanging, we now just advance the load.
    • And by advance the load, it is meant that we step over the request, and move on to the next. Like when you are reading your daughter’s Christmas wish list, and you just ignore the “pony” and “little brother” line items.
  • Fixed an issue where browsing the gallery could lead to a crash.
  • We fixed a few crashes that were affecting some users on both Mac and PC… yea, that’s pretty generic. To be specific, we fixed crash category 0xd12c29, 0x4518fe, 0xb72d33, and 0x34bc94. Maybe that was too specific? I’m not sure I can do better in this case, um… we fixed a Graphics::Texture, Pathplanner:containsFast, FamilyManager, and SetNotificationFunction crash. Totally not helpful. Let’s just go with “Mac and PC are now more stable as a result of these fixes.”


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