New Features and Gameplay Improvements
- Added two new skirmish maps: “Wall Street” and “The Poshlands”
- Difficulty settings for skirmish maps
- New way to pick up units: left-clicking on one of the unit type portraits on the top-screen. This brings up an unit info screen which lets you quick-pick each unit. Right-clicking on the portraits still makes the camera jump through the locations of each unit of that type.
- Player is now able to switch between different types of units in a multiselection on the overworld by pressing TAB or clicking on the portraits in the detail panel
- Player is now able to choose which unit he will drop next in the dungeon by pressing TAB or clicking on the portraits in the details panel
- Horde units can be re-trained between tier 2 and tier 3 units. Default when dropping on arena ring is now "train to tier 2".
- Increased Payday interval from 3 minutes to 6 minutes and doubled salary.
- Rework of "Signal Horn" and "Sentry Gong". They now can be built on Tier 1 but no longer give a buff to units. Instead, they draw attention of all nearby units upon enemies entering the guard room / outpost. Also, they can be manually activated by slapping them.
- King Joffrey no longer has a bonus against demon units
- Troll Rock Thrower: Now has a minimum range in siege mode, splash damager reduced, overall damage reduced but does now ignore armor and projectiles are not longer homing
- Made boss fights in sandbox maps more difficult
- Made demon portals in "Trolls from Hell" 5 times tougher
- "Unleash the Dungeon Lord" spell cost for demons increased (now same as horde faction)
Other Improvements
- Various performance improvements
- Better support for ultra-wide resolutions
- Overhaul of the campaign map to better integrate the demon mini-campaign and give better progress feedback
- Better pre-selection of next mission when entering campaign map (prefer main campaign and no longer repeating optional demon mini-campaign)
- Added better audio to various actions and objects like signal horn, cannon watch tower, and some UI interactions
- Savegames will now load much quicker
- Triple Buffering option removed from options menu
- Implemented horde/demon specific icons for strike and new throne room level
- Narrator idle talk and reminders are now rarer and their intervals are increased
- Tutorial tips are shown again when narrator plays a reminder-line
- Added an option in the options->game menu to turn off reminders and idle talks of the narrator
- Added a slider in the options->game menu to change the auto-save interval
- Improved evil laughter
- Player is now able to enter the multiplayer game ID with controller
- Improved font readability
- Right-clicking on an action panel now acts as “back”
- Casting spells/skills with Shift-Click will no longer exit spell/skill cast mode (same like when building work stations or traps)
- Improved visual of tempting town portal trap
- Dialog log now shows tutorial tips.
- Better contrast between text and background in full screen menus
- Spells cast by player or skills used by units will outline the target if it can be cast.
- RTS stored groups: camera only jumps if group key is pressed in quick succession
- Treasure chambers now have more lights on the wall, to make them less gloomy
- Worker are more intelligent when building traps (don't steal each other's resources and react immediately when evil hand drops resources on the trap).
- Un-digged crystal tiles now have a special marker
- Improved minimap icon overlay-order
- When queuing multiple units to hire, population points are now reserved immediately
- Added particle effect when creatures gain a combat or production level
- Visually improved evilfication of water/lava plane ("The Dam") and of certain non-tree vegetation objects
- Rolling Stones collide with other rolling stones.
- Introduced more victory point win conditions for domination, team domination and king of the hill
- Un-conquereable home sectors will now generate some evilness for the player (domination)
- Sector guards do respawn less frequently now
- Domination mode is now pre-selected instead of deathmatch
- During Multiplayer, throne room lifepoints no longer regenerates
- Fixed freezes in certain cases when creating multiplayer game
- Better error messages for connection problems
- Fixed victory points not being displayed correctly
- Fixed game settings in multiplayer lobby after loading a game
- Made “kick player” button insivible for clients
- Log book is now deactivated in multiplayer
- Status UI now shows game mode and throne room life points in deathmatch mode
- Use steam name instead of machine name
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crashes in Linux Xubuntu
- Fixed some truncated audio lines
- Improved stability on linux and mac systems
- Fixed a fountain not being visible on the map “The battle for King’s Ending – This time it’s for real!”
- Fixed units getting knocked out of the players hand
- Fixed units becoming unresponsive if knocked down by a rolling stone directly after dropping
- Fixed missing skill sounds: Tree of Life guard's “ground smash” and attacks, Orc Chieftain “summon warhound”, Troll Rockthrower attacks, Ultimate Evil attacks
- Fixed “motivating warcry” skill visualization
- Fixed problems with fog-of-war when changing resolutions of loading a save game
- Fixed a problem with Krowtoes on the skirmish map “The Dam” not defending himself
- vSync is now applied correctly
- RTS control: Attacks on low-priority targets like spawner huts are no longer interrupted by other targets
- Fixed logical size of throne room on some maps
- Fixed a bug where dropping a monster on an occupied workstation did not have any effect
- Fixed animations for orc chieftain’s war hound
- Fixed a bug that made hero units (Grumli, etc.) disappear when they ran into a town portal trap which broke the last campaign mission
- Fixed some broken achievements
- Region change into dungeon while carrying something now shows the details panel again
- Fixed arena icons for tier 3 monsters
- Fixed the hand position when using a controller
- Arena/Pentagram now correctly highlights the current work mode button
- “Improved training” icon changed for clarity reasons
- Closing submenu now correctly aborts respective “build gimmick/room” input mode
- Fixed a bug where units sometimes did not wait until the bard finished disarming traps
- Fixed a bug where trap-immune units took damage from "Flame Trap" or "Rolling Stones With Dynamite"
- Rolling Stone trap now only triggers if it has line of sight
- Removed unexpected "hide population display" toggle feature
- Naga Medusa now aims for the target’s center instead of its pivot if the target does not have a head (e.g. attacking doors, etc.)
- Fixed Warden to not move before trying to teleport.
- Fixed various skill visualization not ending correctly when target gets destroyed unexpectedly or skill gets interrupted
- Fixed efficiency upgrade for demon servants not working
- Demon units will not strike when ordered to upgrade on pentagram and not block upgrade population points while fighting
- Added missing colliders with certain objects (entrances, armory work station...)
- Fixed peasant and pikeman attack animations and damage effect timings
- Fixed move-attack command not walking to "nearest walkable point" when clicking on unavailable terrain
- Polish/Russian version: fixed population limit GUI display
- Fixed some "sweet spots" where hero units could oscillate between attacking the player units and returning to guard point.
- Fixed sudden rotation changes of units in some circumstances
- Fixed animation glitch if creature payday job is interrupted
- Hotkeys are displayed correctly in spell bar
- Fixed some attack trail effects not disappearing when unit is picked up while training in arena
- Fixed a bug where units (e.g. the ultimate evil) interrupt their own attack animations
- Fixed glitch where invisible units became (visually) visible when trying to target them with skills
- Fixed display of perk name: first letter wasn't always capitalized
- Fixed cross-platform cloud save issues with certain save names
- Fixed heavy gold and crystal dig marker
- Fixed savegame playtime display (now h:mm instead of m:ss)
- Fixed rotation of minimap icons on dungeon minimap
- When upgrading crystal chamber work unit, resarch in progress is no longer lost
- Fixed issues with applying changes in options gameplay tab
- Fixed and improved horde room wall decorations
- Fixed creatures fighting being interrupted by some other activities like payday
- Fixed skill/spell targeting of invisible units
- Fixed region panel tab highlighting
- Region change gives better UI feedback in minimap/region panel
- Fixed camera constraint in dungeons (could scroll too far into the black)
- Fire Pit Trap executes when an enemy enters, not in a constant time interval
- Fixed wolf texture
- Restarting skirmish map now keeps game settings
- Fixed UI hover tile not getting removed in certain circumstances
- Added logic server firewall exception to steam installation process
- Fixed work unit visualization glitch where animations did not properly reset to inactive
- Fixed multiple in-scene dialog texts overlapping themselves