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Divinity: Dragon Commander

Also known as:
Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Release date:
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Your rating: None Average: 7.9 (20 votes)

Patch 1.0.40

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

Changelog for version 1.0.40:

* Major change: Return to lobby after game
* Major change: performance on raven for dualcore systems
* Icon distance multiplier available in options menu
* Several achievement fixes
* Transporters did not pick-up units when in kamikaze mode
* You can not create combat units anymore when you have retreated
* Charming back a unit is now possible
* Mines should explode once fuse is lit
* Close chatlog when ending combat
* Remove speed from immobile units
* Fix for units remaining after surrender
* Protect while cloaked fixed
* All bombardment should be on the ground
* Kamikaze Friendly Fire fixed
* Air turret got a reveal button
* Fix for kamikaze transport targetting air units
* Show aura skills correctly in loadout screen
* Restealth after transitioning to/from beetle
* Unit selection sounds when boxselecting
* Expanded description for battleship order imp fighter
* Fix for flares not stopping vertical bullets
* Beetles can be slowed down & speed tooltip update
* Custom campaign level pool fixed
* AI Fixes when loading the game (difficulty)
* Tooltip info in dragon loadout
* Drop down has been disabled for teams in custom campaign
* Several graphics settings don't require a restart when altering them
* Cam returns back to original position after going over a mountain
* Several AI improvements (in combat and strategy phase)
* Dialog fix (swapped 2 nodes for Oberon)
* Several UI updates

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