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Out of the Park Baseball 15

Also known as:
Out of the Park Developments
Out of the Park Developments
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Patch 15.2.8

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

- Added the option to use the team text color in the interface more often (preferences dialog)
- Added the option to select the background effect when dialogs are open (preferences dialog)
- Added the option to select player nationality in the create fictional player dialog
- Improved real roster sets (need to create new game for changes to apply)
- Improved simulation speed
- Improved AI in various areas
- Fixed crashes while using 3D mode
- Fixed Facegen on Macs and improved Facegen in general (i.e. shadows under visor, new sideburns)
- Fixed problems in the player editor (projected stats etc.)
- Fixed issues with selecting regions during league creation
- Fixed issues with coaches contract negotiations
- Fixed issues with the AI not picking players in a manually scheduled free agent draft
- Fixed several other bugs & crash problems

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