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Wargame: Red Dragon

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Eugen Systems
Focus Home Interactive
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Patch v594

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:
Some Level Design modifications on the following maps:
    - Wonsan Harbour
    - Plunjing Valley
    - Tough Jungle
    - Chosin reservoir
    - Gunboat diplomacy
    - Another D-Day in paradise
    - Bloody Ridge
    - Cliff Hanger
- SEAD rate of fire tweaked to avoid shooting at already dead targets and maximize their efficiency. Planes with 4 missiles fire them in pairs to guarantee the kill.
- Cluster Bombs AP increased to 6.
- Non-F&F MANPAD reload time reduced from 6 to 5sec to compensate the guidance time.
- Shock troops base availability incresed from 12 to 14 and from 10 to 12
- 5-men MANPAD teams with 5 men number of ammunition reduced from 8 to 6
- Vikhr missiles on plane and helicopter rate of fire increased by reducing reload time between missiles.
HIGH-END 105/115mm :
We have decided to grant high-end non-120mm MBT some more AP, based on service date's improved ammunitions, in order to buff minor nations(although a few "majors"' tanks are getting buffed in the process):
- 16 AP for 1985-1991 105/115mm.
- 17 AP for >1991 105/115mm.

Tanks with AP increasing to 16:

    - Chinese ZTZ-59-IIA (+1)
    - Chinese ZTZ-85-II (+1)
    - N-Korean Ch'onma-ho II (+1)

- American M60A1 ERA. (+1)
- French AMX-10RC. (+1)
- W-German Leopard 1A5. (+1)
- ANZAC Leopard AS1+. (+1)
- Swedich Strv 103C. (+1)
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki E. (+3!)
- S-Korean K1. (+1)

Tanks with AP increasing to 17:

    - Soviet T-62MV-1. (+1)
    - Chinese ZTS-63-II. (+2)
    - Chinese ZTQ-62G. (+1)

- American M8 Buford. (+1)
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki G. (+1)
- Canadian Leopard C2. (+2)
- Canadian Leopard C2 MEXAS. (+2)
- S-Korean M48A5K WRSA. (+1)

We have decided to introduce an intermediary range between the present 525m & 875m for the infantry RPG/LAW based on on their real life characteristics and the following rules :
- 455m: .... only LRAC 73 ... (even less IRL, as the saying went: "Au 73mm : 75 mètres pour un soldat, 50 mètres pour un couillu !". I leave the French-speaker appreciate ... :) ).
- 525m: disposable launcher such as M72, RPG-75, ... and obsolete ordnance ones (RPG-2, Blindicide, Bazooka, ...).
- 700m: mainstream "ordnances" (CG, RPG, LRAC, ...) and some high-end disposable ones (RPG-26).
- 875m: high-end "ordnances" (Vampyr, RPG-16 & CG M3).

So, we've got:

    - REDFOR RPG-7/Type 69 (all 525m variants except RPG-7VR) range increased from 525m to 700m.
    - REDOFR RPG-26 range increased from 525m to 700m.
    - Chinese PF-89 range increased from 525m to 700m.
    - Chinese Type 69-III range decreased from 875m to 700m

- BLUFOR Carl Gustav M2 (and equivalent) range increased from 525m to 700m.
- BLUFOR M72A4 LAW range decreased from 875m to 525m.
- BLUFOR AT4 range increased from 525m to 700m.
- French LRAC F1 range increased from 525m to 700m.
- French APILAS range increased from 525m to 700m.
- British LAW 80 range increased from 525m to 700m.
- W-German PzF 3 range decreased from 875m to 700m.

Also, some LAW/RPG AP or ACC changes :

    - RPG-75 AP power incresed from 12 to 15 accuracy reduced from 50% to 40%
    - RPG-18 AP power reduced from 17 to 15
    - RPG-7VR accuracy incresed from 40% to 50%
    - Type 69-I AP power incresed from 17 to 20
    - Type 69-III AP power incresed from 16 to 23
    - Tank hunter teams with RPG accuracy increased to 70%

- M72A4 AP power incresed from 13 to 16
- Blindicide AP power increased from 10 to 14
- PzF 44 AP power increased from 14 to 16
- PzF 3 AP power increased from 22 to 24.
- LRAC 73 AP power increased from 13 to 14
- LRAC F1 AP power increased from 16 to 19, accuracy reduced from 70% to 60%
- LAW 80 RoF increased to that of other disposable launchers.

- Scandinavian coalition availability bonus decreased to +20%.
(- -10% per individual nations, we will refine the value after testing)
- E-German T815's front armor set as 1 (as the CSSR one).

Command tanks availability set to 3 except for T-80UK that remains to 2

    - Norvegian KoVogn M48A5 price reduced from 150$ to 120$
    - S-Korean M48A3 JIWI-CHA price reduced from 150$ to 120$
    - Japanese NANA-YON A SHIKI CV price reduced from 150$ to 125$
    - Danish FFC CENTURION price reduced from 160$ to 130$
    - French AMX-30B CNE price reduced from 170$ to 130$
    - American CMD M60A1 price reduced from 185$ to 140$
    - American CMD M1 ABRAMS price reduced from 220$ to 160$
    - ANZAC CMD LEOPARD AS1 price reduced from 185$ to 145$
    - W-German PzBefWg LEOPARD 1 price reduced from 185$ to 145$
    - W-German PzBefWg LEOPARD 2 price reduced from 230$ to 170$
    - Canadian CMD LEOPARD C1 price reduced from 190$ to 150$
    - Swedish STRV 103B price reduced from 210$ to 150$
    - British CMD CHIEFTAIN Mk.10 price reduced from 215$ to 160$

- Russian T-72K1 price reduced from 185$ to 150$
- E-German FüPz T-72(K1) price reduced from 185$ to 150$
- Czech T-55K1 price reduced from 150$ to 120$
- N-Korean CH'ONMA-HO CV price reduced from 150$ to 120$
- Polish T-55AD-1 price reduced from 150$ to 120$
- Czech. T-72M1K price reduced from 215$ to 160$
- Polish T-72M1D price reduced from 215$ to 160$
- Chinese ZZZ-59-I price reduced from 185$ to 135$
- Russian T-80UK price reduced from 245$ to 200$

- Infantry MG supression radius incresed, that way they supress the ennemy even when they miss.
- Infantry MG power compressed, the worst MG are more powerfull and the MG3 is slighlty less powerfull.
- Light infantry AT munitions set to 9 for 10 men squads and 12 for 15 men squads

- REDFOR Type 78 RR range incresed from 1225 to 1400m
- REDFOR Type 56 RR range incresed from 1050 to 1225m
- Polish Saperzy no longer have access to Promet as transport.
- Polish Strzala-2 & GROM now have access to Promet as transport.
- Polish STRZELCY PODHALANSCY price reduced from 25$ to 20$
- E-German LEICHTE SCHUTZEN price reduced from 25$ to 20$
- Czech. LEHKA PECHOTA price reduced from 25$ to 20$
- Russian GORNOSTRELKI price reduced from 25$ to 20$

- American Light Riflemen price reduced from 20 to 15$
- American Light Riflemen '90 price reduced from 30$ to 25$
- British Gurkhas (both) strength increased from 10 to 15 men, price incresed to 30$
- British Gurkhas (both) now restricted to Stalwart & Puma as transprot.
- W-German Panzergrenadier price incresed from 15$ to 20$
- W-German Panzergrenadier '90 price incresed from 20$ to 25$
- Canadian Highlanders price increased from 20$ to 25$
- Canadian Highlanders base availability increased from 12 to 16
- Canadian Highlanders '90 base availability incresed from 12 to 14
- Canadian Legion '90 base availability incresed from 10 to 12.
- Norwegian Fallskermjegere renamed Fallskermjegere '90.
- Norwegian Fallskermjegere '90 reclassified as "Shock" light infantry instead of "Elite" SF, but unit strenght is expanded to 15 men (with loadout increasing accordingly)
(this two last changes are meant to make room for the incoming Fallskermjegere "'75" and the new FSK special force)

- Chinese ZTZ-85-IIA penetration increased from 18 to 19 AP.
- Chinese ZTZ-85-III penetration increased from 21 to 22 AP.
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho IV penetration increased from 17 to 18 AP.

- ANZAC Leopard AS1+ service date moved from 1985 to 1987 (hence changing of era). [

- 81mm mortars availability reduced from 8 to 6 per card.
- 81mm mortars price increased from 25$ to 30$
- American ATACMS is now available in 2 packs of 1 unit.
- American Patriot prototyped, hence availability reduced to 1 card
- Swedish Bkan 1A available in Mechanized & Armored decks. (the new 1C version is limited to support in its place)
- British Tracked Rapier FSA detection increased to match others radar SAMs
- S-Korean M727 I-HAWK PIP II price reduced from 80$ to 70$
- American M727 I-HAWK PIP III price reduced from 90$ to 80$ accuracy incresed from 55% to 60%

- REDFOR OSA AKM variants availability incresed from 4 to 6
- REDFOR OSA AK variants availability incresed from 6 to 8
- REDFOR OSA variants availability incresed from 8 to 10
- Russian MT-LB VASILEK price increased from 35$ to 45$
- Russian BM-30 Smerch AP power reduced from 8 to 7

- Norvegian SISU XA-180 price rduced from 15$ to 10$

- E-German SPW-80 price decreased from 20 to 15$ (as the Soviet one).
- Soviet BTR-90 re-roled as IFV, with its ATGM-launcher being replaced by an AGS-17 (fitting with model).
- Soviet BTR-90 price set at 30 & availability as 12/3.
- Polish Mi-24D (transport) now restricted to Formoza, Komandosi, Strzelcy Podhalanskcy & Zwiadowcy.
- Russian BMP-3 Arkan accuracy on the move increased from 15% to 35%
- S-Korean Su-76M isn't considered as mphibious anymore

- Helicopters with anti air missiles now detect planes from further away.

- American MH-60L DAP loadout changed from hellfire missiles to rockets, price reduced to 45$, base availability incresed to 10
- American AH-64D Longbow availability reduced from 3 to 2 per card.
- British Lynx 20mm price reduced from 35$ to 30$

- Soviet Ka-50 stealth removed
- Soviet Mi-28 Ataka V AP increased from 22 to 25
- Russian Mi-24V can now shoot its 8 Igla in a row without delay, price incresed from 90$ to 100$
- Czech. Mi-24 S-24 price incresed from 65$ to 75$, availability reduced from 8 to 6 per card.
- E-German DHS Mi-24P's missile costs reduced to match others of his kind.

- American F-16A Fighting Falcon loadout increased from 2 AIM-9J to 4 AIM-9J
- American F-16C Fighting Falcon loadout incresed from 2 AIM-9M to 4 AIM-9JM price increased from 135$ to 140$
- American F-4J Phantom II loadout increased to 4 AIM-9 and 4 AIM-7 and price increased from 65$ to 75$
- American F-18A loadout changed from 4 AGM-65 + 2 AIM-9 to 2 AGM-65 + 4 AIM-9
- French Mirage 5F price reduced from 120$ to 110$
- Japanese F-4EJ KAI price reduced from 130$ to 125$
- S-Korean A-37B Dragonfly price reduced from 75$ to 70$
- S-Korean KF-16C price reduced fom 150$ to 140$
- S-Korean KF-16C Block 52D price reduced fom 170$ to 160$
- Swedish Draken J 35F re-roled as multirole fighter, with Rb28 replaced by 12x m/56 135mm air-to-ground rockets.

- Russian Mig-27M price reduced from 125$ to 115$
- Russian Mig-29M price reduced from 150$ to 145$
- Czech. ODAB-500 bomb napalm effect increased in size and duration.
- N-Korean Mig-21 Bis loadout changed from 4xKh-66 to 2x Kh-66 + 2x PL-5

- Naval dual guns now consume the right amount of munition per salvo, they used to consume twice that amount.

- Chinese ZSD-90 now available to Chinese Marines in the Naval tab.

- American Monitor 105mm smoke dispersion radus increased to match HE dispersion radius

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