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Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager

Also known as:
Buzz Aldrin's SPM
Polar Motion
Release date:
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Patch 1.5.0

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

• Various improvements to the mission animation scripts.

• Fixed bug in Luna 17 mission for German version.

• Modified HQ screen in order to display a program opening cost as its base cost plus the sum of the creation costs for its associated mission components.

• Fixed text formatting issue on news event regarding an astronaut/cosmonaut that had to be dismissed due to it develpong a heart condition.

• Made the background music loop in all animation scripts. This issue was reported after the introduction of the ‘Tiger Teams’ game mechanic.

• Fixed popup bug: the game will no longer report that program categories to the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have become available when playing as the Soviets.

• Increased the size of the colliders of the input fields in the PBEM overlays (create challenge, enter password, etc).

• Minor cosmetic changes in the PBEM overlays.

• Goals tooltips: added the list of mission configurations that accomplish it.

• Fixed display problem in mission results screen.

• Added back RD difficulty factor to mission component entries.

• Fixed some localised string entries in the German and French versions.

• Fixed a PBEM issue; now the game will allow players to login to the PBEM system using either their usernames or e-mail addresses.

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