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Crusader Kings II

Also known as:
Crusader Kings 2; CK II; CK 2
Paradox Entertainment
Paradox Interactive
Release date:
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RPG [+]
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Patch 2.1.2

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:


  • Memory optimizations (Graphical DLCs)



  • Fixed a bug where allies could be called into certain Major Revolts by attackers, resulting in some erroneous vassalizations at the end of the war.
  • Temporary titles no longer increase the multiplier for Decadence gain if they are the character's highest tier title.
  • Hunts and Fairs should now be more interesting.
  • Hunts and Fairs should no longer give you bundles of events on the same day.
  • Hunts and Fairs should now almost always fire at least one event.
  • Tournaments will now end properly after all winners are chosen.
  • Fixed a bug where an adventure would declare war ahead of time.
  • Asking to join a crusade is no longer limited by the distance to the religious head.
  • Arrange Marriage no longer shows people with a different caste if you're Hindu.
  • Now possible to search for trait names and last names in character finder.
  • Spouse no longer likes you less if you have a different caste.
  • Fixed a bug where decadence would be incorrectly reset when resigning.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't grant county titles to Hindus even if they would have their barony become the primary holding in that province.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't grant lower titles of the incorrect type.
  • Fixed a bug where you could designate dead heirs.
  • Ruler designer costs improved for balance.
  • Fixed a bug where commanders could be offered marriages which they would accept.
  • Fixed a bug where the pope would be listed as your best candidate.
  • Fixed a bug where the guardian would its wards far away with them.
  • Fixed a bug where characters of special interest would be cleared upon inheritance.
  • The Robin Hood event series should no longer fire more than once per campaign.
  • Fixed some issues with the Aztec invasion.
  • Made Buddhist ambitions easier to fulfill.
  • Added religion triggers for certain nicknames.
  • Fixed a number of minor text bugs.
  • Celibate characters should no longer be worried about their conjugal lovelife.
  • Added/changed some trait*based opinion modifiers.
  • Made Mount Athos an Orthodox holy site instead of Piraeus.
  • Bogomilist women can now be appointed as court chaplains.
  • Homosexual characters can now have the "get married" ambition again.
  • Tweaked various factors affecting whether AI chooses the "get married" ambition.
  • Fixed a bug with the decadence "straighten up" action.
  • Fixed a bug where characters sacrificed to Kali would mysteriously survive.
  • Blocked some ambitions for court gurus.
  • Fixed a bug that gave Indian provinces way too much revolt risk from certain events.
  • Fixed an issue with the timing of events at Indian feasts.
  • Fixed an error with flag clearing at Furusiyya and Epic Tournaments.
  • Fixed several event triggers that failed to correctly check a character's location.
  • Applying history backwards was working incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where you wasn't able to reform pagan.
  • Fixed a bug with the allow_laws console command
  • Now allowed to arrange marriages regardless of diplomatic range if you have a courtier who is betrothed to someone in the target's court
  • The Messalian heresy now has access to Absolute Cognatic Succession
  • Now allowed to assign a leader to a flank without one regardless of crown authority
  • Fixed a bug with lover event 64065
  • Fixed a bug with the vassal king opinion penalty being applied multiple times
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't arrange marriages as a child.
  • No longer costs any piety to banish if one has a valid reason.
  • Banishment description shows the cost to banish.
  • Games already in progress no longer show up on the server list.
  • Ransom interaction no longer distance limited.
  • Fixed some issues with the Samrat Chakravartin decision. It should now be much more attractive for the player.
  • Removed an exploit with muslim schools and tech points.
  • Fixed a bug with temporary revolt titles and certain achievements.
  • Fixed error in troop amount trigger causing horse archers to get elephant tactics.
  • Added missing localization for jungle terrain combat effect tooltip.
  • Indian temple corruption and local death cults are now immediately removed if province owner is of a non*Indian religion.
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the player from building some holdings.
  • Updated so all light cavalry based tactics affect camel cavalry as well
  • Fixed invalid patrician trade post cost calculation
  • Nestorians can now only appoint landed bishops as Autocephalous Patriarchs (court chaplains)
  • Fixed so technology gives bonuses to some special troops
  • Improved the logic of bribing people into plots.
  • Adapted pilgrim events to include Messalian and Paulician heresies.
  • Fixed a bug where the usurp button for kingdoms usurped vassals as well



  • Will only ask vassals or below to "Straighten up"
  • No longer possible for AI to plot to assassinate self (unless they are a lunatic)
  • AI can now start Claimant factions again



  • Holy Warrior has a better effect description.
  • Fixed a case where righteous imprisonment alert was shown even though imprisonment wasn't available.
  • Piety name fixed in ledger.
  • Piety name fixed in religion view.
  • Piety name fixed in law view for Muslims.
  • Piety name in casus belli selection for declare war diplomacy.
  • Piety name in score description fixed
  • Piety name in end of combat/battle dialog fixed.
  • Cursor offsets for character finder.
  • Autosave to cloud no longer open main menu upon completion.
  • Find province window updated.
  • Character selection could show a wrong CoA for lowborn.
  • Piety name fixed in execute interaction.
  • Clients no longer show "waiting for server id"
  • Ransom button in intrigue view disabled when the employer can't/won't ransom the person.
  • Fixed invalid text shown for special troops in commander traits
  • Fixed moral authority tooltip for indian religions.
  • Fixed upside down CoA's on map for versions using OpenGL
  • Added missing top bar extension for Indian republics
  • Added missing jungle terrain picture
  • Vassal tab shows patricians as patricians now
  • Fixed another [Player.Religion.GetPietyName] localization issue



  • Renamed cost to ruler_designer_cost for trait age costs.
  • ruler_designer_cost now forces the cost instead of applying an offset.
  • Added a check for characters holding titles before they were born.
  • Error log now alerts for any duplicate landed titles.
  • Fixed a bug with the event filter 'only_independent' and revolters



  • Made a number of changes to starting characters and dynasties, above all in Northern India.
  • Ruler of Agen in 987 is now shows as the bishop he is.
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